The role of administrative law in the organization of the educational process in a higher educational institution

Lecturer: Logvinenko M.I., Candidate of Laws, Associate Professor of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.

Target audience: students of the I and II levels of higher education in the specialties: 081 Law, 293 International Law, 232 Social Security, III level of higher education in the specialty 081 “Law”, teaching staff of Sumy NAU, VSP “Sumy Professional College SNAU”.

During the lecture, the role of administrative law in the organization of the educational process was examined in detail. We learned how legal norms affect the interaction between students, teachers and administration. Special attention was paid to the rights of students and the mechanisms for their protection.

We express our sincere gratitude to Mykola Ivanovich for the time and knowledge allocated, as well as to everyone who joined the event!

Thank you to our defenders for the opportunity to learn!