Moderator: Iryna Aristova – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Administrative and Information Law, Guarantor of the ONP “Law”.

Lecturer: Joanna Skiba, expert in the field of education and e-learning (Republic of Poland).

Target audience: applicants for I and II levels of higher education in the specialties: 081 Law, 293 International Law, 232 Social Security, III level of higher education in the specialty 081 “Law”, teaching staff of Sumy NAU.

Joanna Skiba is an experienced specialist in the field of adult education and the introduction of modern technologies into the educational process. Her expert knowledge in the field of e-learning contributes to the improvement of educational methods, making learning more accessible, effective and flexible.

During the lecture, the importance of artificial intelligence, its practical application, and technical capabilities were discussed in detail. The interest of the material contributed to the analysis of the current situation. In the discussion, the participants tried to form an idea of ​​the future prospects for the use of this technology.

We express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Joanna for her time and knowledge, as well as to everyone who joined the event!

The lecture was held in cooperation with the Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation.